Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas Memories - Christmas Cards

 Christmas Cards were special from our house.  Even before I was born my father (Alfred Vincent Hague) sent out photo Christmas cards that he created, including the processing and printing.  When I got older I helped my father (along with my brother and mother) in the dark room built inside our garage in Los Angeles.  Inside the darkroom a red light enabled us to see the pans of developing chemicals for dipping each card through, after exposing it to the original negative with light.  Once that was done the cards had to be washed of all the chemicals.  We did this in the bathtub in the house.  Rinsing, rinsing rinsing.  Then each had to be dried.  Finally they were stacked and put in "press" or wooden box with a screw down top to flatten them out just before they were totally dry.  From there my mom addressed each envelope and they were finally mailed to our family and friends.
   Follow my brother, Richard, and me throughout the years in the cards below:



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